Tooth whitening has been shown to improve self-perception, psychological wellbeing, and oral-health related quality of life, so it’s no surprise that it’s one of the most in-demand esthetic procedures. Here, we discuss why there’s no better time than the holidays to promote tooth whitening to your patients.
Tooth whitening motivation
For patients who want to improve their smile and their confidence, tooth whitening is a simple, effective and relatively affordable solution. As the holiday season approaches, there are a number of reasons why they may be particularly motivated to undergo whitening.
1. Social events
The holidays revolve around social events like parties, dinners, family reunions and vacations. This year in particular, when families andfriends have been separated for some time, people will be especially keen to make a great impression.
2. Holiday photos
Not only do people want to look their best for these celebrations, they also want to look good in the photos they’ll be looking back at for years to come. This is an especially strong motivator in the age of social media, when photos are permanently online for the world to see.
3. Seasonal treats
At the heart of these social events are rich foods and drinks, some of which stain the teeth. If your patients are going to be indulging in treats like red wine, they’ll want to start the holiday season off with a bright smile and to maintain this.
How to approach holiday tooth whitening with your patients
Despite the obvious motivations for wanting a whiter smile for the holidays, booking an appointment is sometimes low on the list of priorities during this busy time of year. Here’s how to approach the topic and what to offer your patients.
1. Run a promotional campaign
Patients may not believe they have the time or money to whiten their teeth, not realizing just how convenient and affordable it actually is. In the run-up to the holidays, proactively reach out to your patients with information about your tooth whitening services, emphasizing just how easily they can fit into a busy schedule or a tight budget.
2. Offer a take home whitening system
Professional take-home whitening kits are among the easiest and most effective ways to whiten the teeth, and they’re shown to be just as effective as in-office bleaching systems.
Look at the Colgate Optic White Professional Take-Home Kit, for example. Used at home for just ten minutes a day, it delivers a dramatic whitening effect in just five days. That makes it an ideal solution for even the busiest of patients, even those who’ve left whitening to the last minute before a big event.
3. Advise on diet
Of course you want your patients to eat, drink and be merry during the holidays! But if they want to keep their smiles sparkling into the new year, then they may benefit from some guidance on which foods and drinks can stain their teeth. Advise them that coffee, red wine, tea and spicy foods cause dental stain and that if they enjoy these to do so in moderation.
Approaching holidays are a great opportunity to help patients who want whiter teeth and to motivate and encourage them to get the results they want.
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