The discovery of non-stop* biofilm control1-4
with Dual-Zinc + Arginine

What worked in biofilm control:

Zinc was known to be effective – but it's difficult for zinc to penetrate and be retained in biofilms long enough for ongoing control.

dual zinc

The challenge:

Find an ingredient that optimizes the retention of zinc for long-long lasting action.

What worked in biofilm control:

Zinc was known to be effective – but it's difficult for zinc to penetrate and be retained in biofilms long enough for ongoing control.


*with 2x daily brushing and 4 weeks continued use
in vitro study. Mass spectrometry images of salivary 10-day biofilms treated once with toothpaste slurry and regrown overnight under constant artificial salivary flow (10 ml/hr).

dual zinc and arginine

Researchers talk about
the new era of biofilm control

Dr Lyndsay Schaeffer senior technical associate

"Dr. Lyndsay Schaeffer
Senior Technical Associate, Oral Care Early Research, Colgate-Palmolive"

"We all know most toothpastes* help your patients remove plaque WHILE brushing...but their impact ends there."

Harsh Trivedi associate director early

"Harsh Trivedi, M.S.
Associate Director Early Research Soft Tissue Sciences Colgate-Palmolive

"Our research aimed to find a formula that reduces bacteria non-stop."

Dr Carlo Daep senior technical associate

"Dr. Carlo Daep
Senior Technical Associate, Oral Care Early Research, Colgate-Palmolive"

"Through much research and serendipity, Arginine was found to be the answer."

Watch full MOA video series

Research Highlights

Caries Prevention

Arginine complements fluoride for enhanced cavity protection.

Arginine complements fluoride for enhanced cavity protection


Learn more

Sensitivity Relief

Arginine works with Calcium Carbonate for superior instant and long lasting sensitivity relief.

Arginine works with Calcium Carbonate for superior* instant and long lasting sensitivity relief.


Learn more

*vs a potassium nitrate toothpaste
For instant relief, apply as directed to the sensitive tooth with finger tip and gently massage for 1 minute.
Lasting relief with 2x daily continued brushing.

Proven Arginine Solutions

Arginine helps deliver zinc for non-stop• biofilm control.

Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief

Putting superior science into practice

Superior reductions in oral conditions* with the Dual-Zinc + Arginine formula of Colgate Total®

Gingivitis 26.3%†5 I Plaque 30.1%†5
Calculus 40.1%‡6 I Maladoe 30.8%§7

*Statistically significant reduction vs. non-antibacterial fluoride toothpaste.
Results at 6 months. p<0.001.
Results at 12 weeks. p<0.001.
§Patients brushed continuously for 3 weeks. Results taken 12 hours after brushing.

References:1.Daep C, et al. August 2019. Data on file. 2. Manus LM, Daep CA, Begum-Gafur R, et al. Enhanced zinc bioavailibility through rational design of a dual zinc plus arginine dentrifice. J Clin Dent. 2018;29(Spec Iss A):A10-19. 3. Gloag E, Khosravi Y, Masters JG, et al. Zinc and arginine mechanically destabilizes dental biofilms. J Dent Res. 2021;100(Spec Iss A):0999. 4. Prasad KV, Therathil SC, Agnihotri A, et al. The effects of two new dual zinc plus arginine dentifrices in reducing oral bacteria in multiple locations in the mouth: 12-hour whole mouth antibacterial protection for whole mouth health. J Clin Dent. 2018;29(Spec lss A):A25-32. 5. Delgado E, Garcia-Godoy F, Montero-Aguilar M, et al. A clinical investigation of a dual zinc plus arginine dentifrice in reducing established dental plaque and gingivitis over a six-month period of product use. J Clin Dent. 2018;29(Spec lss A):A33-40. 6. Seriwatanachai & Mateo, September 2016, internal report. 7. Hu D, Zhang X, Zhong Y, et al. A clinical investigation of the efficacy of a dual zinc plus arginine dentrifice for controlling malodor.