On the forefront of non-stop biofilm control
The discovery of non-stop* biofilm control1-4
with Dual-Zinc + Arginine
What worked in biofilm control:
Zinc was known to be effective – but it's difficult for zinc to penetrate and be retained in biofilms long enough for ongoing control.
The challenge:
Find an ingredient that optimizes the retention of zinc for long-long lasting action.
What worked in biofilm control:
Zinc was known to be effective – but it's difficult for zinc to penetrate and be retained in biofilms long enough for ongoing control.
*with 2x daily brushing and 4 weeks continued use
†in vitro study. Mass spectrometry images of salivary 10-day biofilms treated once with toothpaste slurry and regrown overnight under constant artificial salivary flow (10 ml/hr).
Researchers talk about
the new era of biofilm control
"Dr. Lyndsay Schaeffer
Senior Technical Associate, Oral Care Early Research, Colgate-Palmolive"
"We all know most toothpastes* help your patients remove plaque WHILE brushing...but their impact ends there."
"Harsh Trivedi, M.S.
Associate Director Early Research Soft Tissue Sciences Colgate-Palmolive
"Our research aimed to find a formula that reduces bacteria non-stop.†"
"Dr. Carlo Daep
Senior Technical Associate, Oral Care Early Research, Colgate-Palmolive"
"Through much research and serendipity, Arginine was found to be the answer."
Watch full MOA video series
Research Highlights
Caries Prevention
Sensitivity Relief
*vs a potassium nitrate toothpaste
†For instant relief, apply as directed to the sensitive tooth with finger tip and gently massage for 1 minute.
‡Lasting relief with 2x daily continued brushing.
Proven Arginine Solutions
Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief
Putting superior science into practice
Superior reductions in oral conditions* with the Dual-Zinc + Arginine formula of Colgate Total®
Gingivitis 26.3%†5 I Plaque 30.1%†5
Calculus 40.1%‡6 I Maladoe 30.8%§7
*Statistically significant reduction vs. non-antibacterial fluoride toothpaste.
†Results at 6 months. p<0.001.
‡Results at 12 weeks. p<0.001.
§Patients brushed continuously for 3 weeks. Results taken 12 hours after brushing.
References:1.Daep C, et al. August 2019. Data on file. 2. Manus LM, Daep CA, Begum-Gafur R, et al. Enhanced zinc bioavailibility through rational design of a dual zinc plus arginine dentrifice. J Clin Dent. 2018;29(Spec Iss A):A10-19. 3. Gloag E, Khosravi Y, Masters JG, et al. Zinc and arginine mechanically destabilizes dental biofilms. J Dent Res. 2021;100(Spec Iss A):0999. 4. Prasad KV, Therathil SC, Agnihotri A, et al. The effects of two new dual zinc plus arginine dentifrices in reducing oral bacteria in multiple locations in the mouth: 12-hour whole mouth antibacterial protection for whole mouth health. J Clin Dent. 2018;29(Spec lss A):A25-32. 5. Delgado E, Garcia-Godoy F, Montero-Aguilar M, et al. A clinical investigation of a dual zinc plus arginine dentifrice in reducing established dental plaque and gingivitis over a six-month period of product use. J Clin Dent. 2018;29(Spec lss A):A33-40. 6. Seriwatanachai & Mateo, September 2016, internal report. 7. Hu D, Zhang X, Zhong Y, et al. A clinical investigation of the efficacy of a dual zinc plus arginine dentrifice for controlling malodor.